County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust

The County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust incorporates University Hospital of North Durham, Darlington Memorial Hospital, and Bishop Auckland Hospital

View Trust Services

This trust offers the following services:

  • Diagnostic and pre-operative services:
    • On-site Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) facilities
    • Routine Genetic Testing for Lynch Syndrome
  • Advanced disease services:
    • Dedicated Specialist Advanced MDT
    • Extended lymphadenectomy

Data Quality

All Patients: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 374 2347 38604
Data completeness of:
– Completed stage 1-4 (%) 92 81 82
– Performance status (%) 91 64 74
Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 219 1426 21702
Performance status 0 (%) 51 39 50
Performance status 1 (%) 31 21 22
Performance status 2 (%) 11 6 5
Performance status 3 (%) 1 1 1
Performance status 4 or not recorded (%) 7 33 21
Data completeness of:
7 Audit items for risk-adjustment (%) 78 54 87


> 80%
50 - 80%
< 50%

Management of all patients

All Patients: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 374 2347 38604
Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) information recorded (%) 79 63 65
Seen by CNS if CNS record present (%) 89 94 94

Management of patients having major resection

Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 219 1426 21702
Distant metastases (%) 2 6 7
Emergency surgery (%) 20 13 13
At least 12 lymph nodes excised (%) 54 54 53
Laparoscopic surgery attempted (%) 74 77 65
Risk-adjusted length of stay > 5 days (%) 58 46 59
Patients having major resection for stage III colon cancer: Trust Network National
Number of patients in audit 109 738 12052
Adjuvant chemotherapy (%) 66 68 66

Rectal cancer patients

Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Neoadjuvant therapy (%) 24 24 34
Rectal volume 55 327 4753
Patients in APER/Hartmanns estimate: Trust Network National
Number of patients in APER/Hartmanns estimate 249 1626 23317
APER/Hartmanns (%) 31 38 35

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